'lobal worming'

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Brain Worms, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Brain Worms, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
People react to NY governor Kathy Hochul's brainless comment about Black kids in the Bronx.
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Every day, somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on X from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week, we've got a stupid take on women's basketball teams, Kathy Hochul saying Black kids in the Bronx don't know what "computer" means and reactions to RFK Jr.'s brain worm diagnosis.


Ethan Strauss and Bill Simmons

The character: Ethan Strauss and Bill Simmons, podcasters, NBA fans, WNBA n00bs

The plot: Podcast king and frequent foot-into-mouth inserter Bill Simmons had NBA writer Ethan Strauss on his podcast this week to talk about sports. The WNBA came up as a topic, and the two ended up agreeing on a very hot take, that WNBA teams should not have their own unique names.

The repercussion: Not only is this a terrible idea, it's disrespectful and insulting. People did not like this section of the podcast, so folks went digging into the previous comments Simmons had made about the WNBA — and, yeah, looks like he doesn't really have a great track record about the sport.

Jared Russo


Kathy Hochul

The character: Kathy Hochul, NY governor, person with their foot in their mouth, AI shiller

The plot: On Monday, May 6, New York Governor Kathy Hochul appeared at California's Milken Institute Global Conference to show off her new consortium Empire AI, which will create an artificial intelligence computing center in upstate New York.

Her exciting new project was, however, overshadowed by Hochul claiming that there are "young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is."

The repercussion: Hochul has since apologized for the deeply foolish comment, saying "I misspoke and I regret it" — but people were justifiably shocked and offended by her words.

Darcy Jimenez



The character: Robert Francis Kennedy Junior, metaphorical brain worms haver, literal brain worms haver

The plot: RFK Jr. benefits from being a member of the Kennedy political empire, for sure, but he has a whole lot of downsides too. For starters, he's an unhinged anti-vaxxer, and has been one for years. He is also, unfortunately, running as an independent candidate for the presidency this year — in spite of his family's wishes.

Recently, it's been made public that not only has RFK Jr. had a brain worm infection, but he is suffering from mercury poisoning, too. Traditionally speaking, these are not excellent conditions to have while attempting to control the largest military in the entire world.

The repercussion: Upon hearing the news, the internet has come together to express one singular thought: "Yeah, that sounds about right."

Post by @david.vienna
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Grant Brunner

Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which featured Dave & Buster's getting into gambling, a journalist with a hot take on the election, Jerry Seinfeld's tired opinion on comedy and a police e-fit that's unlikely to yield any suspects.


  1. Sevan 3 hours ago

    Per Stephen Colbert,

    The worm died of starvation...

  2. timothy kerrison 23 hours ago

    It's kinda sad because he's still smarter than trump

  3. John Doe 1 day ago

    Thomas Eagleton but so much worse.

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